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Food Drive

Each year the choir collects canned foods and non-perishables to be shared amongst area non-profits. 


The food is collected at each concert, and a different charitable organization is chosen to receive the donations. In lieu of admission, concert attendees are encouraged (but not required) to bring canned and non-perishable foods and items to each concert!


Past recipients include the Oregon Food Bank, The Sunshine Division, Esther's Pantry, Barney's Pantry, The East County Food Bank, Loaves & Fishes, St. Vincent de Paul, and Sanctuary Food Bank.


As of today, over 92,000 lbs of food has been collected, and we received 1,229 lbs from our December 3, 2023 concert alone! Thank you to all our loyal audience and choir members who have generously donated.

1,299 pounds of food collected at the December 3, 2023 concert
Another large group of bags full of canned and non-perishable foods that have been donated to the choir.
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